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    DongGuang FangRong Seiki Kogyo Co., Ltd.Official website

    Straightening machine
    Straightening Machine
    Precision machinery manufacturing experts
    15 years professional manufacturer of leveler

    Contact Fangrongcontact

    DongGuang FangRong Seiki Kogyo Co., Ltd.

    Address: Dongguan City, Guangdong Province town of Lang Sha step Second Industrial Zone No. 163 sand path

    Phone:139-2291 2617 (Mr Lai)

    Plane:86-769-8320 2640

    fax:0769-8312 6559



    About |  Product |  Video |  Photo |  Case |  Download |  Contact
    DongGuang FangRong Seiki Kogyo Co., Ltd.   all rights reserved Straightening machine, steel straightening machine, pipe straightening machine
    TEL:86-769-8320 2640 FAX:0769-8312 6559
    E-mail:dgfangrong@126.com Address: Dongguan City, Guangdong Province town of Lang Sha step Second Industrial Zone No. 163 sand path
    Technical Support: 【Backstage management】 *Related web site material and resources are from the Internet, if infringement please inform us, we will remove within 24 hours* Record No:Yue ICP Bei No. 2022079235
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